Composer Phil Kline visits the studio for this edition of New Sounds to talk about his timely new CD, "Zippo Songs: Airs of War and Lunacy", music set to “poems” inscribed on army-issue Zippo lighters by GIs in Vietnam. The questions raised in the Vietnam era seem to be surfacing once again and make Kline's CD all the more poignant. Other highlights on the CD are the "Rumsfeld songs" containing texts from various Pentagon briefings, including "there are known unknowns", also set to music by Kline and sung by Theo Bleckmann. Plus, the CD closes with the Doors' classic "The End", as reworked by Kline. "Zippo Songs" has already been marked for John Schaefer's end-of-year top 10 list - listen to find out why.
PROGRAM # 2249, with Phil Kline (First aired on Tues. 2/17/04)
CUT(S) |
Phil Kline |
Zippo Songs: Airs of War and Lunacy |
Briefing [4:00] |
Cantaloupe Records #21019* |
*, ** Find the recordings you've heard - go to the New Sounds Recordings Information page